One of the Education Sector’s Most Inspirational Speakers
Dennis Shirley is a scholar of educational change who helps schools around the world to improve teaching and learning. A dynamic keynote speaker, Dennis is best known for his skills in assisting educators in diverse environments to work together across disciplines and schools. He draws upon his extensive international experience to enable educators in any context to develop new practices using the most advanced research findings on school improvement.
He has three new books out, all co-authored with Andy Hargreaves. The first is entitled Five Paths of Student Engagement: Blazing the Trail to Learning and Success. The second is called Wellbeing in Schools: Three Forces That Will Uplift Your Students in a Volatile World. The third book, The Age of Identity: Who Do Our Kids Think They Are… and How Do We Help Them Belong? completes the trilogy.
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Check out: Outdoor play and learning in elementary schools: A critical participatory action research project @Roomtoplay @UBCEducation @mbrussoni @EEPSA @AcfeCate @tristateach @ChristineYH @HarperKeenan @ivywaite @ICER_UBCO
To all Spanish language followers, my book with @dennisshirley on Well-being in Schools (Bienestar en la Escuela) is now available en Espanol with @EdicionesMorata @ASCD @CeciliaAzorin @PauloCosin @SRinconGallardo @fundacionchile @planceibal
This is a great decision Congratulations to Dr Jan Hare.
Thanks so much to the inspiring dual immersion educators for our spirited exchange learning about together on Friday! I look forward to future collaborative inquiry together! @hargreavesBC @RocheCenter